Fallout shelter wont let me sign in
Fallout shelter wont let me sign in

fallout shelter wont let me sign in

  • Wait for the registration to complete to be redirected to the Store.
  • fallout shelter wont let me sign in

    Go to Insider content > Apps and select Xbox Sign-In.On your Windows 10 PC, sign in and launch the Xbox Insider Hub app (or install it from the Store first if necessary).

    fallout shelter wont let me sign in

    The Xbox sign in test app is only available in the US region.įollow the steps below and complete the “PC Sign-In” quest in the Xbox Insider Hub to earn double the XP! Your PC needs be enrolled in the Windows Insider Fast ring on build 18317 or better to access the Xbox sign in test app in the Xbox Insider Hub. As an Xbox Insider, you can help us by downloading the app from the Store and running it on your Windows 10 PC, which should only take a few minutes. We’ve released a new test app to validate the Xbox Live PC sign-in experience. **UPDATE 1/25 3:00 PM PT** added note that this is only available in the US region.

    Fallout shelter wont let me sign in